The purpose of the Distance Education Program is to provide Asian and Pacific Leaders a continuing education opportunity leading eventually to the Master of Arts in Ministry degree. The Distance Education Program covers two different types of distance learning. (1) APTS extension sites operate in other countries and provide block courses of 2 to 3 weeks taught by APTS regular, or adjunct faculty. The courses for the full MA in Ministry are offered in regular cycles at these extension sites. (2)APTS also offers the online courses required for the Graduate Certificate in Ministerial and Theological Studies. The Distance Education Program is designed to expand and enrich a minister’s previous training and experiences by the development of skills that will more effectively relate his or her ministry to new problems and situations in the rapidly changing Asia Pacific environment.In the extension sites, students can complete their degree entirely by extension without interruption to their ministry or may hasten the completion of the degree through a trimester or more of studies on the resident campus. The same number of classroom hours for each course is required of extension students as of those at the resident campus. At the extension locations, the instruction, texts, and research materials are usually in the English language. Those students who enroll in the online courses can complete the entire Graduate Certificate in Ministerial and Theological Studies without interruption to their ministry. Students completing this online program can then enroll in the MA in Ministry either on campus or at an
The administrative committee of APTS in consultation with the national church leadership appoints an APTS On-Site representative for each participating country. The APTS Director of Distance Education, in consultation with the On- Site Representative and APTS Academic Dean plans the Extension Program.The On-Site Representative handles the local administration of the program. The online Graduate Certificate courses are administered through the APTS Registrar’s and Business offices.
Extension courses leading to the Master of Arts in Ministry degree are presently being offered in five different nations: Fiji, Himalayas, Thailand, Samoa, American Samoa.APTS does not offer the Master of Arts in Theology or the Master of Divinity degree by extension: however, credits taken by extension can be applied to these degrees at the APTS campus.The only courses available online lead to the Graduate Certificate in Ministerial and Theological Studies.
Students are expected to complete the M.A. degree requirements within seven years. Any request for an extension of degree time must be approved by the resident APTS faculty.The online courses available should enable a student to complete the Graduate Certificate in Ministerial and Theological Studies in one year.
From time to time APTS may make changes in the requirements of its various academic programs. As long as extension students maintain continuous enrollment (at least one course per year) they may choose to complete the requirements of the program in effect when they initially enrolled or the revised program. Students who fail to maintain continuous enrollment will be subject to the program requirements in effect at the time they re-enroll.
The APTS Director for Distance Education, in consultation with each APTS On- Site Representative, schedules extension classes. These courses are usually offered in intensive two-week block sessions. Pre-session reading assignments may be given. For most courses, post-session projects are assigned. The APTS Academic Dean schedules the on-line courses which run in line with the Academic year on campus.
The APTS regular faculty serves as the primary instructors for extension courses. Highly qualified adjunct faculty from Asia and other parts of the world are also used to add academic strength and international perspective to the program.
Students interested in attending APTS extension classes should request an application form from the here or the APTS On-Site Representative for their country. The procedure is the same as for students applying to study on the resident campus.
Since the goal of the APTS Distance Education Program is to help people upgrade performance and skills in ministry, students may be allowed to enroll in extension courses up to 12 credits and then must matriculate. Students are required to submit the application form and at least two character references, transcript of records and obtain an acceptable score on the APTS English Proficiency Exam. The first 12 credits will be recorded in the student’s permanent record. Students desiring to enroll beyond 12 credits must fulfill all admission requirements before any additional credits will be recorded.
Students who fail to maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 (2.3 for Graduate Certificate in Ministerial and Theological Studies), after completing six credits or who obtain three grades of “F” or two in a row, will be placed on academic probation. Failure to raise the GPA to 2.5 by the completion of 18 credits, and to maintain this level, will result in suspension for at least one year from the Distance Education program. Reinstatement can only be obtained through petition to the resident faculty presenting strong evidence that successful academic achievement is possible in future courses. The decision of the faculty will be considered final.
Student costs vary from country to country depending on local conditions. In addition to locally determined fees, the following fees are to be paid to the On-Site Representative who will forward them to the Business Office at the resident campus. Rates are as follows:
The APTS Extension Director, in consultation with each APTS On-Site Representative, schedules extension courses. These courses are usually offered in intensive two-week block sessions. Pre-session reading assignments may be given. For most courses, post- session projects are assigned.
The APTS regular faculty serves as the primary instructors for extension courses. Highly qualified adjunct faculty from Asia and other parts of the world are also used to add academic strength and international perspective to the program. Students interested in attending APTS extension classes should request an application form from the APTS On-Site Representative for their country, write directly to APTS for this information, or download it from the APTS website. The procedure is the same as for students applying to study on the resident campus.
Since the goal of the APTS Distance Education Program is to help people upgrade performance and skills in ministry, students may be allowed to enroll in extension courses up to 12 credits and then must matriculate. Students must submit the application form, at least two character references, and a transcript of records to obtain an acceptable score on the APTS English Proficiency Exam. The first 12 credits will be recorded in the student’s permanent record. Students desiring to enroll beyond 12 credits must fulfill all admission requirements before any additional credits will be recorded.
Students who fail to maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 (2.3 for Graduate Certificate in Ministerial and Theological Studies) after completing six credits or who obtain three grades of “F” or two in a row will be placed on academic probation. Failure to raise the GPA to 2.5 by the completion of 18 credits, and to maintain this level, will result in suspension for at least one year from the Extension program. Reinstatement can only be obtained through petition to the resident faculty presenting strong evidence that successful academic achievement is possible in future courses. The decision of the faculty will be considered final.
Students must complete all requirements for their degrees in order to graduate. The general requirements are the same as those listed for resident students. Student costs vary from country to country depending on local conditions. In addition to locally determined fees, the following fees are to be paid to the On-Site Representative, who will forward them to the business office on the resident campus. Rates are as follows:
Application Fee (non-refundable, paid once)
Within Philippines: $ 15.00
Other countries: $ 25.00
Examination Fees (English & Bible): $ 20.00
Registration Fee (per course): $ 10.00
Tuition Fee per credit: $ 35.00
Graduation Fee: $ 55.00